Daughter of A Daughter 

A daughter of a daughter, a child of a child, my mother had me at the tender age of 15 years old. Coincidentally; her mother, my grandmother (the youngest of her siblings) had her first born at the age of 15 years old as well (talk about family history repeating itself). Being that my mother was the baby of the bunch she didn’t have a clue on how to raise me, but there we were. Growing up on the East side of Detroit in a house with my grandparents, my mother, her two siblings she had all the help she needed at the time. My grandmother was there to teach her the basics and a lot of it she learned along the way. Back then, it was a real struggle for us.

Growing up we’ve always had a close bond, I don’t know if it was because of the age difference, or if it’s just an unbreakable bond between first-born daughters and their mothers.

A lot of the things we went through brought us closer, which made our bond even stronger. Looking back and appreciating the fact that my mother never gave up on me, and she never gave up on us. If there was something I needed you better believe I got it. I don’t know how she did it, but I do know that God provides, even when we don’t think He is in the mist God is always present.

I lost my father at the age of 2. He was killed right in front of me and my mother. He was gunned down at the playground on the 4th of July. I can’t seem to remember anything about him or that day, I believe in some way I blocked out that day, and in return, it also took every memory I ever had of him. I only have the memories that people tell me of him.

I have always wondered what my life would have been like if he wasn’t taken away so soon. I believe we would have had a close bond as well, but now I guess I will NEVER really know. There are many questions I have about his life and my life that only he could answer. I will never understand why he was murdered in cold blood because of another man’s pride and ego, but what I do know is that he never got a chance to live his life. He never got a chance to see his children grow up, he never got to see us off to prom, college, relationships or anything. He wasn’t there for advice, he wasn’t there to hug me when I needed a hug, or kiss me on my forehead goodnight. At the end of the day, the only thing I know is that I still have to trust God, that all of this happened for a reason. Maybe it was to birth my pain into purpose…only time will tell.

Rest Peacefully Daddy, My Angel that watches over me….

It’s a little strange to me that I cannot recall the event that took place, the event that left me fatherless. I can’t remember my father’s life being snatched away by a bullet and a gun, but what I can tell you is the void that I have felt in my heart ever since that day has never left…it has always been present. It has always felt like something is and was always missing out of my life, no matter what the situation is. While growing up I was always close to my grandparents on my father side, they made sure that I had everything I needed and more and although, they were no longer together I always spent time with each of them.

Looking back I really miss those days…

Fast forward and A couple of siblings later; my mother got married to the love of her life when I was 7 years old. He came into our lives and stepped up as me and my sibling’s father, he raised us as his own along with his son. God also, blessed my parents with a child of their own, a miracle was born. As we all grew together, we never missed a beat, we always spent time as a family. No, everything was not always perfect, we did have disagreements, but what kid and parent don’t see eye to eye at times? I remember that we would have school activities, games, and concerts and even when our mother was not able to make it, due to work, he was there, always.

I can call my dad for any and everything, and if he can help or just be a listening ear, then that’s what he will do. I love my father and thank God for bringing him into our lives. With him came more structure and balance within our family and it brought my mom a hell of a lot of more peace as we gained a better understanding of God as a family.

I believe that when a step parent enter into a family that there have to be several family talks about the family structure in order for there not to be a breakdown. Be sure to make the children feel like they are involved and have family discussions once or twice a month. Set rules and guidelines, be clear with everyone what their roles and responsibilities are within the household. Family bonding is very important especially when it comes to blending a family together. Take trips, family vacations, game and movie nights, and most importantly laugh likes there is no tomorrow.

When God is involved his grace and his mercy will keep the family strong. When one is down we were always taught to come together and pray, and seek God. Some days I still sit and pray for my family’s protection and guidance, I pray for my brothers and my sister. I love them without a doubt!! We are all destined with a purpose and God will reveal and use them for His purpose.

We are FAMILY!!! Although we maybe miles apart we are still close in heart!


God Bless,

Taynia A. Coleman

Owner of Destined With A Purpose, Life Style/Relationship Blogger, Mommy, and Entrepreneur

Website: www.tayniacoleman.com

Email: taynia@tayniacoleman.com

Follow Ms. Taynia on INSTAGRAM


Relationship Stages: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The Good Times

Good times are always the best part of every relationship. The fun times are the greatest of all time, it’s a time period that you never want to end. Waking up in pure bliss because your heart is growing fonder for this relationship, falling in love over and over, again. Texting and calling throughout the day to make sure he’s not stressing at work, and him checking on you because he misses you. Being excited to make it home from a long day of work to lay up under bae, cuddle, talk, make sweet love. The sex is bomb because the chemistry between you two are like fireworks. What can top this feeling, nothing! There are no words that can describe this happy feeling in the air, nothing but love and happiness. And then…

The Bad Times

The Bad times don’t last long but they do take…

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Karma: What Goes Around Will Come Back Around


He can dish it out all the cheating, the lies, the disrespect but can he take the payback, does he ever think if it was ever worth it? These are the questions many men should ask themselves before stepping outside of their relationships and/or disrespecting the woman they say they love! Now, we all know that a man can cheat on his significant other with no problem, but he will still expect order in the household, he will still expect to be uplifted and valued as a King on the home front. Everything at home should still be the same although he has given her trust away, right?

Wrong, wrong, wrong!

A woman’s intuition is worth so much more than a man will ever understand

Let’s face it what goes around comes around it’s in the bible, it is a universal law. It’s called sowing and reaping according to Job…

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Bonding and Praying for Our Daughter’s

A mother is a daughter’s first best friend

One of the first and most important relationships we have in life is with our mother. She cares for you, nurtures you, protects you, and love you; unconditionally. From the womb, she comforts you, calms you, and maybe even sing to you. You feel every emotion that she feels while you’re still inside her womb because at this moment you are one. You are connected and although some relationships change you will always have a special connection with your mother.

There are a lot of mother’s and daughter’s with an unbreakable bond, and then there are the not so good mother and daughter type of relationships. It’s sad to see the bond broken between a mother and daughter because the bond is so special. It makes a person wonder what could have caused this type of breakdown within their relationship.

I made…

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Falling In Love; For Real This Time

FB_IMG_1505281321425Just when I had given up on love, just when I made a commitment to stay focused on me, here comes real love. This love is a love that I have never known, it seems like a fairytale the way my hurt melts looking into his eyes. This love is what I thought I had way back when, but in reality, it doesn’t even compare. No disrespect, but there is a huge difference between someone saying that they love you, and someone actually taking the time out and showing that they love you.


You see, he will always take the time out, to make sure that you’re safe and secure. You will be able to feel his love miles away because his heart beats that strong for you. It’s an indescribable feeling because it’s something so real.

Once you find real true love you will know because NO-THING can compare

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Lost, Down, and Out


Have you ever felt like Mary J. Blige “I’m Goin’ Down” 

Time on my hands Since you been away boy
I ain’t got no plans

No no no no

I Felt trapped in a closet, alone with no air to breathe. That’s what I was facing as my divorce was finalized. I didn’t know what to think, where to go, who to talk to, and fore the sake of me what were the people gonna say? I thought it would last forever (in my Keith Sweat voice) but, it didn’t, it was over. Although, I filed for the divorce I felt so empty on the inside, and even though all these people were around me praying for me, I felt lost and ashamed. I had failed at marriage, the only thing I had to start my life over were my 3 beautiful children. When all hope was lost it was one of them that came and kissed the sadness away. I was a mess! That’s, to say the least.


I lost bits and pieces of me, I was shattered, heartbroken, and devastated. I couldn’t understand for the life of me why this happened to me? Out of all people, me?

No one in my family was a divorcee, but then it hit me; when I heard the question thrown back at me. Why not you? Simple, right. God said why not you, He told me that I needed to trust Him because He wouldn’t put more on me than I can bare.  I heard all of this while my heart was still scattered with every step I took. I was not able to pick up the pieces, I was no longer naive and trusting, I was damaged. I was broken in spirit walking around like a zombie, hurting and even when I tried to smile tears filled my eyes instead. I couldn’t even pretend anymore.

Something changed on the inside of me…I was completely broken, I was hurting.

art-broken-explosion-glassIt took time to heal those wounds, it took love, faith, dedication, prayer, and to get rebaptized, and delivered from a heart break to be whole, again. Even through all of my mess God never left me, although I turned my back to Him several times He always reminded me how much of a help I would be to someone else. It’s a blessing.

I now look back over my life and I thank God that he delivered me out of that toxic relationship. It wasn’t right for me, we were young, and several events occurred that took a piece of me. It wasn’t healthy and it wasn’t Love!

I’m thankful for the experience because it has opened my eyes up to know what I will and will not accept. It has opened my eyes up to know what I want out of life and out of a relationship.

Sometimes things don’t work out but please don’t hate the person for it. Forgive so that you can free yourself, and ask for forgiveness for the things that you have done. The Bible says we are to walk in forgiveness, especially if we want forgiveness from the Father in Heaven.

Matthew 6:14-15 states 14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

This is a very important principle/key in life and it is to FORGIVE. You must forgive and let it go. It’s not good to hold on to hurt and pain because it will start to cause disease to take over your mind and body.

If you don’t know how to forgive say a quick prayer and ask God to help you.

Be Blessed

Ms. Taynia A. Coleman

Owner of Destined With A Purpose, Blogger, and Entrepreneur

Email: tayniacoleman@gmail.com

Picture Credits: http://www.pixabay.com

Follow Ms. Taynia on INSTAGRAM






Running away from yesterday into today’s happiness…
It’s time to be happy and to be completely free
Free from yesterday’s pain and hurt
Free from the chains that had you bound to yesterday’s dilemma
Free from stress and depression
Free to smile and be happy
Free to fall in love one more time
Free to give your all without thinking about your downfalls
Free from the tears and sorrows of yesterday
Never looking back with regrets, just looking ahead to the newness that’s in front of you
Embrace it…
Excepting all of your flaws and all, owning the mistakes that you’ve made in the past, promising to learn from them and grow
Never again letting anyone determine your state of happiness, or for that matter your state of sadness
Stretching forth your faith, knowing that you will make it through to better days

Running away from yesterday into today’s happiness is the leap of faith that you have to take in order to free yourself, and in order to do that you must first free your mind to unlock your soul
Free your mind in order to get rid of whats destroying you on the inside, free your past
Being Free is Loving yourself enough to get rid of the negativity in your life
Being free is sometimes letting go of a situation that only cause harm in your life
You have to be ready and willing to go all the way just to have your happiness…somethings and some people we have to let go in order to move forward
Start with yourself, and let God handle the rest
Give yesterday over to the Lord and you will begin to see better days ahead of you…Save yourself from yourself..you are destined to be Great!

Understanding The Process

Patience is a very important factor in life, without it your life can become a living HELL! Waiting, and waiting and waiting, asking God repeatedly to help you through the storm because it seems as if what you are going through will never end. Little do we know, it is God that is pulling us through the storm, it is him that’s providing your strength in your weakest, darkest moments. It is God keeping your mind sane…He is there when no one else is there, but we have to understand that He will not force himself upon us. He is waiting for us to acknowledge that it is him that we need. God is simply saying “in due time my child, in due time you will believe again.”

It may be a little scary but God says to fear not, for fear is of the devil. Fear is not given to you by God, for God provides you with a spirit of Love, so when you feel fearful it’s good to always pray. For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. –Isaiah 41:13

We want things to happen for us right away, but as you can see everything does not happen overnight, and you must understand that you are not exempt from going through trials and tribulations…how else do you expect to grow? Understand that everything and every person have its own process, and take note that your process will be different from the next person process, never compare your situation to another person’s  because you never know exactly what they had to endure. You may be stuck in the same situation for years but another person it could only take a couple of months to figure out that this is not the way. You have to look within and begin to tell yourself that this is not right for me…ask yourself what do I have to do to change my situation. It just depends on you, the person, and how badly you want and deserve a change for the better. You have to change your mindset and get a different vision on how you want to exist in this world, you have to find your purpose in life…ask God because he will reveal it to you.

A lot of the things that we endure are because we did it some situations we caused to happen in our lives. Just think back to a challenge where you had a chance to do the right thing but you chose otherwise. We knew better but tried it anyway and now there is a disaster with your name on it. What is the first thing that we do?? Blame who? We blame God…why Lord, why did this happen to me? How did this happen…what did I do to deserve this?? When in fact, you know exactly what you did to get into this predicament. Sometimes we just have to take responsibility and own up to our wrong doings everything is not the God or the Devil’s fault…it just isn’t. Now don’t get me wrong there are things that we have no control of …some situations that we must face even when we don’t want to. This is when we need to really trust the process, and know that God will bring us out even stronger than we were before. 

Keep these things hidden in your heart so that when you’re going through the test and trials you will always have a reminder within you to guide you and also to protect you. Jeremiah 29:11-14 says For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity. You may feel that all hope is lost while you’re in the mess that you are in, but there are brighter days ahead of you…I promise if you hold on just a little while longer you will get through. Remember that what you are going through is only temporary! You have to Understand the Process and let the Process do its job and that is for you to have a better outcome in the end.


Remember God will never leave you nor forsake you.



Running away from Hurt

Growing up as a Christian you kind of know the right from the wrong, and thats because you were taught on what you are suppose to do and what you are not suppose to do. It is always in the back of your mind, and you are fully aware of what you are doing but yet and still, you just want to do what you want to do, right? Somehow, knowing all of that never stopped me from making any bad decisions in life and as soon as I made a bad decision, the after math would always hit me like a ton of bricks. God, why did I do that, is always the question following after I chose to do the opposite of what I knew was right. Its been proven time after time that God will never leave you, nor foresake you, he will always be there to redirect you to the right path, but its best to listen when he speaks the first time. There are always lessons that will be learnt no matter how long it takes, no matter how many times you bump your head, God will keep you in that state until you get understand what you need to change or fix in your life. It will save a lot of heart break and confusion, if we  just do the right thing the first time. Trust me it will get better but sometimes we have to go through somethings in order to grow. It is true you do reap whatever you sow and whatevers done in the dark will always come to the light…one way or another. I use to hate when my parents use to say that to us (myself and my siblings), at that time im like sure it will. Hahaha the jokes on me right?! In making decisions you have to weigh everything out by thinking of the good outcomes verses the bad outcomes. In everything that you do, in every test that you go through there is always an outcome, and lets be clear, I want to be on the winning side. Its not so easy being faced with difficult situations that you could have easily avoided.



Just when you think you have done everything right as a Christian…things take a turn and not for the better. After being married for 9 years with 3 children…I could no longer stay binded to an unhealthy marriage any more. I prayed (almost everyday) and I fast about my marriage (because I felt so alone and hurt) and one day I heard clearly from the Holy spirit to file for a divorce…he’s just not ready to change. After all my ex husband had become someone elses lover and bestfriend. He had given her the son that I always wanted…so on that note God had to deal with me. I took a turn for the worse, those were some of the darkest days that I had ever faced.

First, let me tell you how I got to this place of loneliness and rejection in my life. What started off beautiful was no longer a sight to see. What was once real love was now more hurt than anything…daily I was feeling like I no longer existed. The love was gone, completely gone but it took me a while to figure that out. No matter how hard I tried to set the tone he would ignore it or most of the time he was never around to even notice. I was still blinded by what I thought was love, the little time he did spend with me made me think there was still hope even through all the lies and the psychological bs that I put up with. I was still searching for that perfect relationship that we both once knew..but it was never coming back. Too much had changed between us for it to ever go back to the way it was, for one the trust was out the door, honesty was out of the question. I wanted my bestfriend back but he was no where to be found, nor did he want to be found. I was in this thing by myself putting up a façade for the world to see while crying at night holding my pillow. This was nothing like the movies I saw…this was a long and cold road to be on by myself. He drifted off to lala land while I was stuck in reality praying for more. He was lost in a world of lust, confusion, denial, love, hurt, betrayal, abortions, lie on top of lies…all of this going on behind our closed doors. He was no longer the man I knew. Lets just say I knew he was cheating and we had been going back and forth about it for a while. it never ever crossed my mind to actual leave my husband to save myself…I was hurting and could not understand why this was happening to me, this cant be my life.

I first found out about the first affair in 2007 with the first girl, and the second one in 2008. Looking back I cant believe I stuck around for anything else to happen. My heart was broken to pieces over and over again, he showed no mercy. I devoted myself to this marriage and to my girls there is no way that I was going to let this family sink. Never realizing that I was only in my own way, never letting God in…I was so unhappy. My heart turned so cold…the smiles were long gone..I couldn’t pull myself out of this one until I woke up.

We both had come out of church but I always prayed and visit from time to time however, he did not. I always ask myself why didn’t I just walk away the first time back in 07? Somehow, I still was in love with this man, my husband, the one who was suppose to protect me instead was the who was hurting me internally without really taking any notice of me. I became invisible to him and I started to feel resentment towards him he became a stranger in our home…there was definitely a stronghold over me that kept me bond to that situation. I know that I wanted better but I had no way of knowing how to make it happen. We went through the verbal abuse and the fights we had alone with each other…I never wanted people to know what was really going on for some reason so I turned drinking into my friend at times. Every night after work I came home with a bottle of wine or beer just to numb myself, I no longer wanted to feel the heaviness of my heart, it also cleared my mind from the unwanted thoughts. I was trapped in my mind, at work it was even worse because all I could do was think about how miserable my life was. I eventually stopped talking to my co workers I just came to work to work and leave…back home to me and my girls. This was my everyday routine. Nothing ever changed except for the times he would lie and say how much he wanted and needed his family, then we were happy, again.


I redirected my interest…after awhile i gave up and figured this could work as long as we came home to each other every night. He was out doing his thing and so was I, but I still felt a void so that didnt work out too much longer. I longed for my husband…I truly missed my bestfriend. It was not until march of 2010, that it all got real for me, a little too real if you ask me. I got an email from a stranger on Facebook congratulating me on being a step mom…I told him that he had the wrong person, but in fact he had the right one. He gave me names, dates, and times…there was no mistake about it. My husband, son was coming and coming soon but what did he do?? Lie until he could not lie anymore and I was sick of it. It felt like someone had ripped my heart to little pieces and then picked it back up and cut it even deeper. My world had come to an end (so I thought). I didn’t wanna eat, I didn’t wanna be around not another person, in fact the thought of people just depressed me even the more. I had no choice but to cry on my mommy shoulder while she held me. Telling me your stronger than this…at this time i couldnt see my strength but at this very moment looking back…she told me nothing but the truth.My feelings were so hurt and I just kept asking the Lord why God why???? And he told me that he has a plan for my life…sometimes you have to go thru somethings in order to tell your story. So, this is me giving you just a piece of my story.
At this point me and my girls moved back with my parents and I would just lock myself in the room and would just cry, cry, and cry. I eventually lost myself in this process…I would go to work, with my hat on, I would try not to cry on the phone while talking to the customers, I did not want to speak to no one, afterwards, I would go home to my bed. I just remember thinking this can’t be life but it was….it was my life, my story! Looking back I thank God for that person on Facebook, because I would probably had never found out. Until this day I still do not know who actually sent me the message but it was most definitely a life changer for me.

Eventually, I did get back into church, my mom dragged me to church ( I promise just to go one night and I never stopped going). I was literally the walking dead! The Pastor called me up for prayer and asked me to get rebaptized…she knew my heart was broken and only God could heal it. So…I did, I was rebatized that night and when I came up from that water I felt so much lighter, God had lifted my world off my shoulders. My skin even became lighter something happened in that water. I forgave my husband and tried to make it work but his heart still wasnt back to me. I was on a new faith walk and was believing God to turn things around but that was not Gods plan for me..not at all. Although, my husband said he wanted us to make it work and that he wanted his family, he still never gave me (us) his all…his heart and mind was with his other family. It was sad because I could see the confusion in his face its hard to believe but we were still connected and it made me feel sad for him. He was lost and so was I…

Can a person really be in love with two people? I believe the answer is, yes! Its possible I watched it with my own eyes.  Our situation never got any better in fact it had gotten worse but yet I was feeling okay but only through the grace of God. I had to realize that if he wanted to change he would. He was in a battle of his own…I had to let go and let God deal with him in his own way and his own timing. So, that’s what I did…meanwhile we had baby girl number 3 and what should of been a happy time in my life was not. Instead I blamed myself for letting this happen again just as I thought I was letting go. I went to the abortion clinic alone for my first appointment, the second appointment he drove me to the door but neither of us had the heart to go through with it…thinking this can finally be a baby boy, so I kept my baby. Needlessly to say, we both were not ready for this but what could we do, she was here. This pregnancy I basically went through it on my own…God was showing me my strength back then. Him still cheating and lying I was over it…just done! I really thought that it would get better once she was here…yeah he was around a little more but that was it. I could do nothing but cry and feel as though everyone was talking about me behind closed doors. I felt alone and a little worthless! I beat myself up a lot. As time went on I gained a little more direction I began to want more out of life…feeling stuck so I just prayed and went to church until I got clarity and understanding for my life.

One day after being shown pictures of my husband online with his mistress and their son it was a wrap. I had to stop running from our issues and take in everything that was going on. It was sweetest day and I had been waiting for him all day to show up so that we could go out but he never came. It was just unbelievable that I could not get mad. I just knew that it was time to remove myself from this situation because it wasn’t healthy for me. I believe within that same week of me fasting and getting my answer from the Lord, I filed for a divorce. Cheating is grounds for divorce for some that dont know. I told him that I filed but like always he thought it was a joke…a week later he was served through the mail. He act as if he could not understand it, he broke down and begged me not to do it but I had to move forward. The passionate sex wasnt working any longer although that day he touched me in ways i had been wanting for but I had only heard this same story so many times before…in the back of my mind I was hoping for a change for the better, but it never came. Not saying that i was perfect, but I had no pictures on instagram with me and my other family…I did not have pictures posted of me kissing another guy like it was completely over. I had no choice but to disconnect my heart again and let it go….I had to give it to God. I could not of made it this far without God. Whats done in the dark will always come to the light I am a firm believer of that. I gave my all so many times but that last time was the final straw…my exact words are “your gonna regret this but people like you will have to learn the hard way.” He laughed it off but now its not so funny anymore because he now seem so lost at times and always bringing up the good old days. I just think to myself please just let it go…Im tired of hearing about it. I pray that he finds his way all the time..I just can no longer help him find it…he is finally free now, right? He thinks I have no feelings but the truth is what he’s going through now I had already went through it all those years of being unhappy…I cried almost everyday but he doesn’t get why I’m not bothered by the divorce. I’m just a little over it, is all  the grace of God is all that comes to mind. Don’t get me wrong were still friends and there for each other for our girls I’m just saying that I am no longer his backbone. and this he can feel.

Divorced after 9 years of marriage, not to mention the three little girls I have to guide and protect…they are basically all I have out of what was suppose to be a family.  My twenties are gone…hello thirty im sure we will a great beginning, middle, and ending!

I believe this is just another test of my faith, so that’s what keeps me holding on…because I know that God has a greater plan for me and my family.  The only way to look is upto God…he is my guiding light in my time of need. I thank you for taking the time out to read this. May God Bless!